Final Performance Evaluation of Three Global Development Alliances (GDA) in Alternative Development in Peru

  • Date Posted: September 5, 2023
  • Authors: Raúl Andrade, Geoffrey Cannock, Miguel Ordinola
  • Organizations/Projects: EnCompass LLC
  • Document Types: Evaluation


Alternative development in Peru

The objective of this study was  to evaluate the performance and results of Peru Coffee Alliance, Peru Cacao Alliance, and CR3CE Alliance, with emphasis on the capacity of each intervention to involve the private sector in achieving their objectives. The evaluation revealed that the Alliances’ intervention has allowed the private sector to become more involved in promoting legal activities.

For instance, coffee and cacao producers improved their production processes and marketing of their products so they can access new markets, better prices, and obtain higher revenues. The Alliances also contributed to improving the population's access to connectivity services and financial products.

Additionally, the Alliances contributed to women's empowerment and greater participation in economic activity. In terms of sustainability, the study found that these results mentioned above depend on the maturity and size of the producers since these factors facilitate access to technical assistance and the establishment of commercial links. 

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